E-Travel    Agent-based Travel Support System



Expressed in Web Ontology Language (OWL).



All references comes from the site of the founder of the Travel Support Project, Mr. Marcin Paprzycki.
  • Maria Ganzha, Maciej Gawinecki, Marcin Paprzycki, Rafal Gasiorowski, Szymon Pisarek, Wawrzyniec Hyska (2006) Utilizing Semantic Web and Software Agents in a Travel Support System. In: A. F. Salam and Jason Stevens (eds.) Semantic Web Technologies and eBusiness: Virtual Organization and Business Process Automation , Idea Publishing Group (to appear),PDF
  • Maciej Gawinecki,Minor Gordon ,Ngoc Thanh Nguyen , Marcin Paprzycki, Michał Szymczak (2005) RDF Demarcated Resources in an Agent Based Travel Support System. In: M. Golinski et. al. (eds.), Informatics and Effectiveness of Systems , PTI Press, Katowice, 2005, 303- 310,PDF
  • Maciej Gawinecki,Minor Gordon ,Ngoc Thanh Nguyen , Marcin Paprzycki,Zygmunt Vetulani (2005) Ontologically Demarcated Resources in an Agent Based Travel Support System. In: R. K. Katarzyniak (ed.) Ontologies and Soft Methods in Knowledge Management , Advanced Knowledge International, Adelaide, Australia, 219-240, PDF
  • Maciej Gawinecki, Mateusz Kruszyk, Marcin Paprzycki (2005) Ontology-based Stereotyping in a Travel Support System. In: Proceedings of the XXI Fall Meeting of Polish Information Processing Society , PTI Press, 73-85PDF
  • Piotr Nagrodkiewicz, Marcin Paprzycki (2005) Automated Travel Planning. In: Proceedings of the XXI Fall Meeting of Polish Information Processing Society , PTI Press, 205-212PDF
  • Minor Gordon , Aleksander Kowalski, Marcin Paprzycki, Tomasz Pełech, Michał Szymczak, Tomasz Wasowicz (2005) Ontologies in a Travel Support System. In: D. J. Bem et. al. (eds.) Internet 2005 , Technical University of Wroclaw Press, 2005, 285-300PDF
  • Maciej Gawinecki,Zygmunt Vetulani ,Minor Gordon , Marcin Paprzycki (2005) Representing Users in a Travel Support System. In: Proceedings of the ISDA 2005 Conference , IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 393-398PDF
  • Minor Gordon, Marcin Paprzycki (2005) Designing Agent Based Travel Support System. In: Proceedings of the ISPDC 2005 Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2005, 207-214PDF

    Presentation in Lille during the ISPDC Conference (not sure how long this link will last)

  • Maciej Gawinecki,Minor Gordon , Marcin Paprzycki, Michał Szymczak,Zygmunt Vetulani , Jimmy Wright (2005) Enabling Semantic Referencing of Selected Travel Related Resources. In: W. Abramowicz (ed.) Proceedings of the 8 th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2005), Poznań University of Economics Press, Poznań, Poland, 271-288,PDF
  • Marcin Paprzycki, Austin Gilbert, Andy Nauli,Minor Gordon , Steve Williams, Jimmy Wright (2004) Indexing agent gathered data in an e-travel system. Informatica , Vol. 28, No. 1, 69-78,PDF
  • Maciej Gawinecki,Minor Gordon , Paweł Kaczmarek, Marcin Paprzycki (2003) The Problem of Agent-Client Communication on the Internet. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience , 6(1), 2005, 111-123PDF
  • Austin Gilbert,Minor Gordon , Marcin Paprzycki, Jimmy Wright (2003) The World of Travel: A Comparative Analysis of Classification Methods. Annales UMCS Informatica , A1, 259-270,PDF
  • Jimmy Wright,Minor Gordon , Marcin Paprzycki, Steve Williams, Patrick Harrington (2003) Using the ebXML Registry Repository to Manage Information in an Internet Travel Support System. In: W. Abramowicz and G. Klein (eds.), Proceedings of the BIS'2003 Conference , Poznań University of Economics Press, Poznań, Poland, 81-89,PDF
  • Patrick Harrington,Minor Gordon , Andy Nauli, Marcin Paprzycki, Steve Williams, Jimmy Wright (2003) Using Software Agents to Index Data in an E-Travel System. In: N. Callaos (ed.), Electronic Proceedings of the 7 th SCI Conference , Orlando, CD, 6 pages,PDF
  • Minor Gordon , Marcin Paprzycki, Violetta Galant (2002) Agent-Client Interaction in a Web-based E-commerce System. In: D. Grigoras (ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing , University of Iaşi Press, Iaşi, Romania, 1-10,PDF
  • Marcin Paprzycki,Minor Gordon , Violetta Galant (2002) Knowledge Management in an Agent-based E-Commerce System. In: B. Wiszniewski (ed.), Proceedings of ECOM 2002 Conference , ACTEN, Wejcherowo, Poland, 97-104,PDF
  • Marcin Paprzycki, Austin Gilbert,Minor Gordon (2002) Knowledge Representation in the Agent-Based Travel Support System. In: T. Yakhno (ed.) Advances in Information Systems , Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 232-241,PDF
  • Rafał Angryk , Violetta Galant,Minor Gordon , Marcin Paprzycki (2002) Travel Support System - an Agent-Based Framework. In: H. R. Arabnia, Y. Mun (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing (IC'02), CSREA Press, Las Vegas, NV, 719-725,PDF
  • Violetta Galant, Marcin Paprzycki (2002) Information Personalization in an Internet Based Travel Support System. In: Abramowicz (ed.), Proceedings of the BIS'2002 Conferenc e, Pozna&ń University of Economics Press, Poznań, Poland, 191-202,PDF
  • Paweł Jan Kalczyński, Marcin Paprzycki, Iwona Fiedorowicz, Witold Abramowicz, Maria Cobb (2001) Personalized Traveler Information System. In: B. F. Kubiak and A. Korowicki (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Human-Computer Interaction , Akwila Press, Gdańsk, Poland, 445-456,PDF
  • Rafał Angryk , Krzysztof Kołodziej, Iwona Fiedorowicz, Marcin Paprzycki, Maria Cobb, Dia Ali,Shahram Rahimi (2001) Development of a travel support system based on intelligent agent technology. In: S. Niwiński (ed.), Proceedings of the PIONIER 2001 Conference , Technical University of Poznań Press, Poznań, Poland, 243-255,PDF

Masters Thesis based on the project: "Agent-based Travel Support System" (in English):

  • Karthik Chinnayan Muthukumaraswamy (OSU, 2005) Supplying Data for an RDF-based Content Management System,PDF
  • Software developed by Karthik Chinnayan Muthukumaraswam for his MS Thesis: ZIP
  • Andy Nauli (OSU, 2000) Using Software Agents to Index Data of an E-travel System, PDF

Selected publications based on the project: "Agent-based Travel Support System" (texts in Polish):

  • Marcin Paprzycki, Paweł Kaczmarek, Maciej Gawinecki,Zygmunt Vetulani (2005) Interakcja Użytkownik - Agentowy System Wspomagania Podróży. In: J. Kisienicki et. al. (eds.) Informatics and Modern Management , PTI Press, Katowice, 2005, 189-198,PDF
  • Szymon Pisarek, Marcin Paprzycki (2005) Internetowy System Wspomagania Podróży - Tworzenie Podsystemu Odpowiedzialnego za Gromadzenie Danych. In: J. Kisienicki et. al. (eds.) Informatics and Modern Management , PTI Press, Katowice, 2005, 177-188,PDF

Masters Thesis based on the project: "Agent-based Travel Support System" (in Polish):

  • Rafal Gasiorowski (PW, 2006) Using Ontologies to Organize Data Collected from the Internet,PDF
  • Software developed by Rafal Gasiorowski for his MS Thesis: ZIP
  • Wawrzyniec Hyska (PW, 2006) RDF Based Agents, PDF
  • Software developed by Wawrzyniec Hyska for his MS Thesis: ZIP
  • Szymon Pisarek (PW, 2005) Ontologically Oriented Internet Search, PDF
  • Software developed by Szymon Pisarek for his MS Thesis: ZIP
  • Maciej Gawinecki (AMU, 2005) Modelling User on the Basis of Interactions with a WWW Based System, PDF
  • Pawel Kaczmarek (AMU, 2005) Multimodal Communication Between Users and Software Agents,PDF
  • Piotr Nagrodkiewicz (PW, 2005) Spatio-temporarily Constrained System for Travel Planning,PDF
  • Software developed by Piotr Nagrodkiewicz for his MS Thesis:ZIP